Roadtrip 2022 Spring: Seaside - Bend - Boise - Park City - Grand Junction - Park City - Boise - Richland

Day 36 - The Ribbon Trail

Rocks and flowers are happy together on the Ribbon Trail.

The Original Inspiration for Jabba the Hut. Ho.ho.ho.ho.ho.

Film still from Lawrence of Arabia.

The trail breaks out from canyon country onto an onion dome and then slickrock.

These crazy trees even grow sideways here.

Another vibrant specimen has found a place to thrive.

Russ surveys the scene - and shows off his new sherpa hat - from the top of the slickrock.

Across the canyon, a giant boulder appears to conceal a slot canyon. We can't yet figure out a way to get over there.

You can see for miles, and miles, and miles, and miles, and miles .......

The Team heads across the uncrossable expanse of slickrock.

Early in the blood moon phase - local clouds cut across the face. The lower left corner is already occluded.

The best I can do with my limited equipment. Blood moon - all alone.




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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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